Know me

My laptop is a magical boon to me which gives a chance to store all my thoughts. It is my “pensive” . I always weave my thoughts to generate radiance and make my world and sometimes others’ world brighter and with my words I try to make my load lighter. Thoughts when become frizzy, I always pen them down! They are thoughtful, sensitive, hazy, easy and at times crazy. If you can relate to it my pleasure. If you want to share a varying opinion you are welcome!

Writing is something which gives me the feeling of living life to the fullest. I can be myself only when I write.  Writing rejuvenates me and gives me the strength to voice my good and bad thoughts and views. I mostly write poems, short stories, general articles based on current affairs , movie reviews and anything under the sky which makes me think. To know more on why I write you can read my poem- “I Write” . My blog is my true friend. I can talk to my self here and ya one fine day or night I am hoping to finish my novel. The very thought gives me goosebumps and fills my heart with overjoy and stress as writing a book is a herculean task. Till then and even after that I have some thing which will be my honest companion for ever – My Blog   🙂
A hearty welcome to my blog. Hope you have a good time when you are here!

A quote by me : Thank heavens as Time and Tide wait for none. If at all there was a wait we would never be able to realize the beauty of memories!”

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